Edit Research Object

Once the user creates a Research Object with the basic information the newly created RO can be accessed from the Explore page of the ROHub or from the “My RO” sections. The user can continue to add additional metadata during the creation process or edit the RO later by clicking the edit option (saying “Edit this RO” on hovering) from the RO toolbox present on the left hand side of the RO Overview page. The figure below shows the edit option ROs in the MY RO page.

Figure 1: Edit option from MY RO

Moreover the users also can edit a RO on clicking “Edit this RO” from the RO overview page a new page opens called the “Research Object Editing” page containing the various segments explained in details in the section called RO Editing Wizard. The wizard is the same in both creation and editing except in case of RO editing some segments already hold metadata. The user can click “Update & Continue” from each of the wizard segment or “Skip” a segment and move to the next. Finally “Finish & go to overview” finishes the RO edition and takes the user RO the overview page of the edited RO.