Advanced metadata

Table of contents

  1. Add propety and Value
  2. Create new relations for RO
  3. Browsing through annotations

The advanced metadata sections are meant for advanced users of the ROHUB. Here the users can find all the annotations created so far in the RO, moreover advanced users can create new annotations and assign semantic properties to the annotations. The functionalities of this segment are discussed in the following sections.

Add propety and Value

The user can add new semantic properties and values to a RO from this segement. The user should provide the property in fully qualified name (URL) in the box called “Type property” or simple select from the list of preexisiting properties. In the box for the value the name of the value to be added in the RO. Thereafter clicking “Add” will add the annotation to the RO.

Create new relations for RO

From this segment of the wizard advanced ROHUB users can create new annotations in order to add new metadata. In the “Type property” box the user has to provide a semantic property as a valid URL for a value. For example if a user wants to add a metadata of a copyright holder, he has to assign a well known semantic property to represent it with respect to the value which in this case will be the name of the copyright holder. Once the user inputs the property and value he can click on “Add” to add the metadata within a new annotation in the RO. Once the annotation is added then it is visible in the annotations list discussed below.

Figure 1: Advanced metadata segment of RO

Browsing through annotations

In the advanced metadata segment the users can see all the annotations of the RO listed at the bottom. Initially in the list a user can see the basic information of an annotation e.g. the semantic property of the annotation, its creation data and creator’s profile etc. Once the user hovers over any of them and clicks to expand an annotation a new window pops up. In this window the user can find detailed information about an annotation like the annotation id, the semantic relations assigned within the annotation, the creation date and time and the ROHUB profile of the creator. On the top left there is a download icon which downloads the annotation in rdf format. In case the user can delete a specific annotation he can find a delete icon on the top right side

Figure 2: Annotation properties of a RO