
Table of contents

  1. Tutorial
  2. Documentation
  3. Customer Support

The support page can be accessed from the top menu bar as well as from the bottom of the ROhub landing page. In the support section the user can find the ROHub documentation and a brief tutorial of the platform. The documentation of the ROHub is still to be updated and on completion the users can download it in pdf form from the support section. The subsections below shows the various pages of the support section of the ROHub platform.


This page of the support section as the figure below shows the information for the users how to install the ROHUB API and basic technical funtionalities. The link given in this section navigates the user to the ROhub API tutorial.

Figure 1: Support page of the ROHUb platform showing ROHub tutorial


From this section the user can download the ROhub documentation in pdf format. The figure is given below.

Figure 2: ROhub documentation in ROHub support section

Customer Support

This section shows the information for the customer support of ROhub . The user can find the Servicedesk information and the email.

Figure 3: ROhub customer support section