Checklist Service
In ROHub the checklist service is adapted and extended to interact efficiently with the latest ROHub (Research Object management) platform to support RELIANCE metadata models and vocabularies. Additionally new checklists can be created by users to reflect the RELIANCE community’s need. The checklist service also facilitates easy creation and customisation of checklist to the ROHub community needs for the purpose of automated quality checking mechanism of the ROs. The checklist service exposes a simple REST API to assess the RO quality. The checklist service functionalities in ROHub exposes them to the user via the ROHub portal. In ROHub portal, the checklist functionality is available from the completeness tab of the Research Object. From this tab, the users can (re-)evaluate the Research Object completeness against the default or the provided check lists on demand. The default checklist is based on the RO type. The result of the evaluation is displayed in compact form in the overview tab, whereas detailed information is presented in the completeness tab. In ROHub Portal, this functionality can be invoked from the completeness tab, by clicking the “Update” button. The result of the assessment is then displayed in detail, where each condition has a status icon: green check icon if the condition was satisfied, red cross icon if a MUST condition was not satisfied, and yellow hyphen icon if a SHOULD/MAY condition was not satisfied. Moreover, for those conditions not satisfied, a “Fix” button will appear next to it, if the user has permissions to write the RO. This button takes the user to the edition mode to fix those problems. To facilitate this process, the completeness score appears in edition mode and the conditions not satisfied can be seen under the “completeness suggestions” collapsible section as depicted in the Figures below.
The basic sets of quality checking parameters that are shown in the completeness tab includes the following:
- If the RO has a title
- If the RO has a description
- If the RO has a creator
- If the RO has publisher information
- If the RO has a subject (research area)
- If the RO has a sketch
- If the RO has keywords
- If the RO aggregates at least one resource
- if the resources aggregated by the RO has a type
- Optionally, the RO may have authors defined for credits
- Optionally, the RO may have contributors defined for credits
- Optionally, the RO may have geolocation associated
Additionally for some specific types of ROs (e.g. Bibliographic centric RO, Data-centric RO, Executable RO) there are few more additional check paramets listed as below:
Bibliographic-centric RO:
- If in the RO there is at least a resource in “biblio” folder
Data-centric RO:
- In if the RO there is at least a resource in “raw data” folder
- If in the RO there is at least a resource in “data” folder
- In in the RO there is at least a resource in “metadata” folder
For an Executable RO:
- In in the RO there is at least a resource in “input” folder
- If in the RO there is at least a resource in “tool” folder
- If in the RO there is at least a resource in “output” folder