Reserach Object Contents

Table of contents

  1. Content Home
  2. Browsing and Navigation of resources
    1. Accessing EGI Jupyter notebook resources
    2. Accessing EGI Binder resources
  3. Annotation and Metadata of a resource

The “Content” section shows the aggregated resources of a research object from where the user can browse and navigate through the resources and the folders or subfolders enclosing them.

Content Home

The main page of the content is called the “Home” and contains the resources in columns denoting:

  • Name: Denoting the name of the resource (e.g name of any file or folder or URL)
  • Details: In case of folder the details denote the number of the contents within it and in case of a file it shows the size of the file.
  • Created: This is the date and time of creation of the resources.
  • Creator: It shows the name of the creator of the resource. On clicking the username the user profile can be accessed.

Figure 1: Content page in ROHub portal

Browsing and Navigation of resources

From the content home the user can browse the various resources and navigate to the various folders and subfolders. Once entering a folder the user can see the navigation path from the home page at the top of the table. For example if a user enters the “output” folder from the homepage the navigation path will show “home > output” to the user. Some resources on selction can be downloaded specifically the resources added internally. On selection of the resource the user can see the download icon which downloads the resource from the portal.

Figure 2: Browsing of resources in ROHub portal

Accessing EGI Jupyter notebook resources

Some reserach objects has python codes as resources in the form of Jupyter notebooks. This resources mainly stays in the “tools” folder in the content section. Once the user (must be a logged in user) navigates to the specific folder containing a jupyter notebook and clicks on the resource, a pop up arises showing “Go to resource” and “Open resource in EGI Notebook”. If the user choose the first option the jypyter notebook will be open in the form of a json file. On choosing the second option the user (if he is having access of the EGI notebook platform in his EGI account) get tranferred to the EGI notebook platform and the notebook resources is opened. Screenshots are provided below.

Figure 3: Accessing EGI Jupyter notebook resources in ROHub portal

Figure 4: Example of a EGI Jupyter notebook resource

Accessing EGI Binder resources

The ROs containting resources assecible from EGI binders can be acessed similarly like the EGI notebook resources. AFter loging in to ROHub once the user navigates to the folder containing such a resource and selects the specific resource, the download icon gets activated. Upon clicking to the download icon the user can see two option poping up, “Download Resource” and “Open Resource in EGI binder”. On clicking the first option the resources will be downloaded locally to the user. On choosing the second option the logeed in user will be transferred to the EGI platform and the resource will be opned on EGI Binder. Screenshots are provided below.

Figure 5: Accessing EGI Binder resources in ROHub portal

Figure 6: Example of a EGI Binder resource

Annotation and Metadata of a resource

From the content section the user can visualize the metadata and the annotation associated with a specific resource. Once a user selects the checkbox alongside a resource from the main resource list, the resource itself and its metadata of the resource can be visible at the bottom of the page. The metadata included the resource type, creation mode (local, external etc.), the title and description of the resource, creation and the modification date and time, also there are subsections like “AGENTS” and “SHARE” on the left hand side. In the “Agent” section the name of the creator of the resource is shown whereas from the share segment the user can copy the URL of the resource in order to share it as an external link. Other functionalities of the share are not present right now. Once the user clicks the “Show all annotations” all the annotations associated with the selected resource will be visible. On clicking each annotation the user can see the semantic relations involving the subject, property and the object along with the annotation id, date of creation and the creator’s name.

Figure 7: Content annotations and metadata in ROHub portal