Main Sections of the ROHub navigation

The following table of contents describes the main sections of the ROHub user navigation pages i.e. the sections available on the topmost menubar of the ROHub portal and the main landing page and the Research Object section describing the architecture and relevant navigation pages of a Research Object section. The main section comprises of the ROHub homepage, the “About” section describing briefly the basic elements (e.g. definition of the portal, terms of the service, privacy policies, team of ROHub, contact etc. ) of the portal and also the concept of the research objects used in the ROHub portal, the “Activity” section where the global activities done by the exciting users are listed and accessed by the user, the “Explore” section to access the research objects, “People” section to show the exciting users and their profile in the ROHub portal, “My ROs” section lists the research objects for logged in users and allows them to create new ROs from scratch once they are signed in and finally the “Support” section describing the first hand guidance for the user to use the portal.

Table of contents