My ROs

Table of contents

  1. The entry page of “My RO” section
    1. My RO
    2. Editable RO
    3. Create new RO
    4. Import RO
    5. Import DMP
    6. Filters
      1. Search
      2. People
      3. Dates
      4. Completeness
      5. Rating

The entry page of “My RO” section

This section in the ROHub platform enables an authenticated user to view and create a research object directly from the user interface of the portal. When a user signs into the portal and on clicking the “My ROs” from the top menu bar gets into the page where he can create new research objects from scratch, see his own created ROs as well as the ROs he is allowed to edit in the platform. The autheticated user can also import ROs and DMPs from this page and can delete any unwanted RO from this page. The subsections of “My ROs” are described briefly below.

Figure 1: Entry page of the My ROs section


The My RO subsection lists the ROs a user has created himself. The user can open a RO from this list on clicking on “View” in read mode. “Edit” takes the user to the RO edition pages in the creation wizard and allows the user to modify the RO once created. On clicking “Delete” the user can also delete any RO he has created from here. If there is no ROs created yet then the list will be empty.

Editable RO

This page within the “MY RO” section lists the ROs which the user can edit. From here the user can update the metadata, resources etc. of a specific RO in the edit mode and update the RO as a whole. If there is no ROs to show yet then the list will be empty.

Create new RO

From this section the user gets navigated to the RO creation wizard and can create a RO from scratch.

Import RO

From this section a user can import a ROs. On clikcing, a window pops up saying “Import ZIP Research Object or ZIP of files/folders” and there a user can drag and drop Zip files of ROs and/or resources to create RO by import method. If there is no ROs to show yet then the list will be empty.

Figure 2: Import RO of the My ROs section

Import DMP

From this section a user can import a DMP or data management plan. On clicking, a window pops up saying “Import DMP XML-file” and there a user can drag and drop xml files of resources to create DMP by import method.

Figure 3: Import DMP of the My ROs section


On the left side of the MY RO page the user can find the filter search with the following subsections:

This is a keyword search filter. In the serach box the user can type the keyword related to a RO or find a person associated with a RO.

Figure 4: Keyword search options my ROs


In this filter the user can fetch the list if ROs based on the names of the creator or contributor of the ROs. On clicking the green icon of “People” filter the user can either choose any of the options of “Creator” or “Contributor” icons under this filter and start typing the name in the search box or simply by clicking and choosing the name of the ROhub user from the drop-down list. The search will return the list of the ROs based on the user’s input. A screenshot is given below of the people search filter.

Figure 5: Filter options for People in my ROs


From this filter the user can fetch the ROs created or modified within a time period defined by the user. Upon choosing the option of “Created” or “Modified”, the user has to provide the start date in the box saying “From” and the end date in the box saying “To” and then click on “OK”, the portal then shows the list of ROs created or modified on that specific date range as provided by the user. A screenshot is given below.

Figure 6: Date filter of MY RO section


The users can filter out the ROs on the level of their completeness from this filter. The slide bar allows the user to choose from level of completeness from 0 to 100 and fetch the list of ROs. The screenshot is given below.

Figure 7: Completeness filter


The “Rating” filter allows the user to select the research objects from the range of ratings. There are five stars present and the user can select on each stars to see the ROs based on the number of stars (1-5).

Figure 8: MY RO rating filter