
Table of contents

  1. People Search
  2. User profile
    1. Overview section
    2. Contact
    3. Research Objects

This section of the ROHub platform can be accessed from the main topmost menu bar located in the main landing page of the portal on clicking the “People”. Once a user is in this section three distinct subsections are visible. A search box for searching the ROHub users by name or surname, a taskbar with alphabets in order to browse the users alphabetically on clicking on each alphabets and finally the list of users fetched as per the search of the user. By default this list provides a global list of all the ROHub users. The subsections can be described as below:

  • The search box for ROHub users allows the users to search for any ROHub user simply by providing their name and/or surname and the results will be provided in the list below. From the list the user can navigate to the user profile of the specific user on clicking “Read more”.
  • The alphabetical browsing of the ROHub users allows users to navigate and fetch results of the users starting their names from A to Z. Once the user clicks on an alphabet, all the users with their names starting with that alphabet get listed from where the user profile of any user can be accessed to get more user specific information about the ROHub user.
  • By default the list of ROhub users contains all the available ROHub users registered in the portal and can be navigated page wise on clicking “Next” at the bottom of the page. An user can also sort the list alphabetically depending on the names on clicking “Sort by”. From the users list the user profile can be accessed by clicking “Read more” for more information about the users and their associated activities on the platform. The figure below shows the people page of the ROHub platform showing the above-mentioned subsections.

Figure 1: People search in ROhub

User profile

In the ROHub platform the “User profile” can be accessed from the “People” section on clicking the “Read more” available for a specific registered user. Inside the User profile we can find various subsections. On the left side panel the profile picture is available for the specific user (if available). Besides that there are few subsections, such as:

Overview section

This Overview section shows personal details of the user such as professional description, the user’s affiliation and research areas of the user. On the right hand side of the page the name of the user along with an image icon is displayed. The user profile overview page also shows the number of ROs Live, archived, snapshotted or forked by the user. The figure below shows a general overview of a user profile page.

Figure 2: Overview of a User Profile


The contact section in the user profile shows the contact details like the email id of the user and also the social media handle of the user if provided as shown in the figure below.

Figure 3: Contact details of a User Profile

Research Objects

This subsection shows the list of the ROs created by the user in the ROHub portal. If there is nothing to show this section will display “Selected user didn’t have any publications yet”.

Figure 3: Research Objects enlisted in a User Profile