Basic Information

The first segment in RO create wizard is called the “Basic information”. It consists of fields that allows the user to add the key information required to create any Research Object such as:

  • Title: In this field the user provides the title of the created Research Object. This is a required field and must be filled.
  • Description: The description box allows the user to type in the description of a RO. It’s compulsory for a user to fill the description of a RO.
  • Access mode: The user has to choose from the given access modes “Public”, “Private” or “Open” to specify the access mode of a RO.
  • Editor: In this field the user can give the name of the editors from the list of the existing users of the ROHub portal. The user can start typing to find the name of the user from the drop down list. By clicking the “x” icon present at the end of this field the user can reset the whole field and remove all the entered values.
  • Owner: In this field the name of the user creating the RO is given as the owner of the RO. By default the name of the logged in user is present here as the owner of the RO. If the user wants to modify or change the owner he can simply start to type and choose anyone else from the list of the existing users.
  • Research areas: From this field the user can provide the names of the research areas designated to the RO. On clicking this field drops down the whole list of existing research areas present in the ROHUB portal. The user can select one or multiple research areas from this list suitable to the RO. If the user wants to remove any of the provided entries he can remove it by clicking the small “x” alongside each entry. By clicking the “x” icon present at the end of this field the user can reset the whole field and remove all the entered values.
  • Research object type: From this field the user can denote the type of the RO. By default the RO holds “Basic Research Object” in this field. The user can change it if required by clicking the field and selecting any one of the types of RO from the drop down list.

Filling the basic information is sufficient to create a basic RO in the ROHub platform, but the user can continue enriching the RO with other metadata or simply exit by clicking “Create and Exit” . On clicking “Create & Continue” present at the bottom right of this page the user can create the RO and also simultaneously navigate through other segment of the wizard to add the various metadata in order to enrich the research object. “Reset form” allows the user to reset the basic information form and provide inputs again. The figure below shows the fields of the Basic Information form.

Figure 1: Basic Information in RO creation