Create Research Object

Once the user is logged in to the ROHUB platform he is ready to create his own research objects. In order to create a new research object the user has to fill a wizard consisting of various information vital to creation of a RO. First from the landing page of the portal the user needs to click “My ROS”, a new page opens where the user can his previously created ROs and the editable ROs he has permission to in two sections named “My RO” and “Editable RO” respectively. If the user doesn’t have any previously created ROs then the page will display “There are no Research objects created by You yet.”

Figure 1: Create new RO from MY ROS section

On the right hand side of this page there is a red button “Create new RO”. Once the user clicks the create Research Object Wizard opens. The wizard is explained in detail in the section RO Edition Wizard