Text Mining and Enrichment Services

IN ROHub the text mining and enrichment services include production-ready services and extended analytic services. This service refers to an enrichment service which includes a search service and a recommendation service. ROHub is fully integrated with the latest release of the enrichment service, and thus its functionality is available both from the ROHub portal and the Python library. The service is executed automatically by ROHub for new/updated Research Objects at certain periods of time (every few hours by default), but the user can force the (re-)execution of the service on demand. From ROHub portal, the user is able to execute the service on demand and visualize the annotations generated from the Research Object overview tab. The enrichment component shows the annotations in different color depending on the type of annotation, as depicted in the figure below. To call the service on demand, the user needs to be logged in and have write permissions over the Research Object, and then the user needs to click on the refresh icon at the right top corner of this component as shown in the figure below.

Figure 1: Enrichment annotations displayed in ROHub portal

Figure 2: Invoking enrichment service on demand from ROHub portal

As per other production services are concerned, ROHub has also integrated the recommendation service. This recommender functionality is available in the ROHub portal from the collapsible RO section in the Research Object overview tab, where users can display a list of Research Objects similar to the selected one, as depicted in figure below.

Figure 3: Similar ROs section in Research Object overview tab