Research Object Lifecycle

Table of contents

  1. Legend
  2. Graphical representation of Lifecycle
  3. List of the lifecycle activities
  4. Show full activity history

This section displays the evolution of a RO. The graphical representation of the life cycle chart on the left side of the page includes the actions like snapshots, forks and archive (release on completion) as branches on the main live branch. The lifecycle chart also shows a list of each event of the RO over the period of timeline with relevant metadata. The various segments of the lifecycle page are described below.


This segment displays the status of the ROs in different colors for the user to identify them on the graphical representation of the RO lifecycle. For example, a live RO is in green color, forked, snapshotted or archived ROs are in blue , cyan and orange color respectively.

Graphical representation of Lifecycle

This segment runs on the left side of the page and shows in a graphical form all the evolutionary actions performed on the RO. Status of the ROs like forked, snapshotted or archived forms a separate git-like branch from the main to represent the evolution and also connects the lifecycle list.

List of the lifecycle activities

This list displays the evolutionary actions or status of the RO and describes them briefly with metadata like the type of action (e.g. created, imported, forked, snapshotted etc.) performed on the RO. The metadata includes the data and time of the performance of the action and the name of the user involved. The name of the user is clickable and navigates to the user profile of the performer.

Show full activity history

On the top right side of the page the user can see “Show full activity history” ,on clicking that the user will be transferred to the RO activity page.

Figure 1: RO Lifecycle in ROHub portal