Create an RO Fork
To fork a RO the user has to access the evolution wizard from the toolbox in RO overview page. On clicking the “Evolution” the option to fork the RO is available to the user. On clicking the “Fork” option the user is transferred to the RO editing wizard. The figure below shows how to access the forking option from the evolution wizard in RO Overview.
During forking from the RO editing wizard the user can fork a RO starting from the “Basic information” segment. The fields of the basic information i.e. Title and description, already contains the initial inputs of the original RO that is being forked. The user can either modify the inputs or fork without any change in the metadata on clicking “Fork & Exit”. The user can also fork and continue to edit other segments of the RO editing wizard (e.g. People & organizations, Tags, Sketches gallery, Resources, Related locations, License & Funding and Advanced metadata) on clicking “Fork & Continue”. “Reset from” undo any edits in the form. During the forking process a status bar appears and shows the user the status of the whole process. On completion the user is navigated to the Overview page of the forked RO by default. The forked RO is also visible in the ROHUB Explore page and in the MY ROS section.