Table of contents

  1. Add location
    1. Draw a polygon area
    2. Draw a rectangle area
    3. Draw a Point
  2. Edit location
  3. Delete Layers

From this segment of the RO create/edit wizard the user can add or edit geolocation to any relevant RO. The location after adding to the RO appears in the box beneath. In this segment the process of adding geolocation and how to edit them are discussed in the following subsections.

Add location

Clicking the icon of “Add location” in this segment opens a new window with a map layer. In the map layer on the top left side there are zooming and un-zooming options, on the right hand side there are various functional icons to draw geometry on the map layer and also functionalities to edit/delete geometry layers. The user can click and drag to move over the map layer. The user can add location to a RO in the following ways:

Draw a polygon area

Once the user clicks on the polygon shaped icon on the map layer a marker appears saying “Click to start drawing shape” guiding the user to draw a shape on the map layer. The user clicks on the desired location and a point appears on the map layer and the pointer says “Click to continue drawing shape”. The user can add as many points as he wants until coming back to the first point to enclose an area. On the final click the guide pointer says “Click first point to close this shape”. The user can also see options to “finish”, “Delete last point” or “Cancel” while drawing a polygon. Once the area is finished the map layer disappears and the created geometry gets added in the location of the RO.

Figure 1: Adding polygon area as Location

Draw a rectangle area

Once the user clicks on the rectangle shaped icon on the map layer a marker appears saying “Click and drag to draw rectangle” guiding the user to draw a rectangle on the map layer. The user clicks on the desired location on the map and drags and the pointer says “Release mouse to finish drawing” along with the enclosed area in hectares of the area covered within the rectangle. The user can also see options to “Cancel” while drawing a rectangle. Once the user releases the mouse the rectangle area gets finished and added to the list of locations of the RO and the map layer disappears.

Figure 2: Adding rectangular area as Location

Draw a Point

The user can add point geometry on clicking the “Draw a marker” and a pointer appears saying “Click map to place marker”. The user can also see options to “Cancel” while drawing a point marker. As the user clicks on the relevant location and the point geometry is added to the list of locations of a RO.

Figure 3: Adding point as Location

Edit location

A particular RO can have a variety of locations named as “Area” or “Point” depending on the geometry type. All the added locations appear in the box of the related location segment. Once the user clicks and opens a location in the map layer the edit layers function allows the user to edit the location or area of the geometry. While editing a location the pointer guides the user displaying “Drag handles or markers to edit features”. On completion the user can save or cancel the changes by clicking “Save” or “Cancel”.

Figure 4: Editing Location

Delete Layers

The user can delete a location from the RO by clicking and opening it on the map layer and choosing the delete option. On clicking delete the user needs to select “Clear all” to delete all the layers and exit automatically from that location or follow the pointer saying “Click on a feature to remove” and click “Save”. The user can also cancel the delete on clicking “Cancel” from the options available.

Figure 5: Deleting Location