
Table of contents

  1. Creating new Resources
    1. Create new folder
    2. Create new resource from internal source
    3. Create new resource from external source
    4. Adding datacubes
  2. Modifying uploaded Resources
    1. Editing a resource
      1. Editing a folder
      2. Editing an internal resource
      3. Editing an external resource
    2. Moving a resource
    3. Deleting a resource
  3. Adding annotation to a resource

In the Resource segment the user can add resources, browse the uploaded resources from the list of resources in the “Home” (resources listed with name, details, creation date and time and creator’s name), edit/modify the uploaded resources and view the annotations created with respect to the added resources. The various functions are discussed below.

Creating new Resources

From the “Resource” segment of the RO create/edit wizard the user can create new resources and add them to the RO, navigate through the resources and also remove them if required. The resource creation functionalities of this segment are discussed briefly.

Figure 1: Creating Resource in ROHub

Create new folder

On clicking the first of the three black icons (representing a folder) a new window called “Create new folder” pops up for the user. The various fields in this windows are:

  • Title: In the title field the user has to provide the name of the folder. Without providing the title the user is unable to create a folder. The title must contain a minimum of five characters.
  • Description: The User can optionally provide a short description of the folder.
  • Keywords: The user can add some keyword if needed.
  • Parent folder: From this field the user can choose a parent folder if the user wants to enclose the folder within any other folders.

On clicking the “Create” the user creates a new folder which will be visible in the content list of the RO. The figure below shows the creation of the folder in the RO content page.

Figure 2: Creating new folder in ROHub

Create new resource from internal source

On clicking the second of the three icons a window pops up to “Create new resource” or alternatively by dragging and dropping a resource in the resource upload section saying “Drag and drop files here…” from the user’s computer. The user can upload a file from his local device form this window. The various fields of this window are as follows:

  • Local file: Once the file is chosen the name of the file will be displayed in this field.
  • Title: In the field under title the user has to provide a title for the resource that’s being uploaded.
  • Description: In the field under description the user can optionally provide a short description for the resource that’s being uploaded.
  • Resource type: The user must provide the resource type from the list of types appearing on clicking the box under the resource type field. Some examples are e.g. Bibliographic resource, Command Line Tool etc.
  • Licenses: The user can also optionally select a license from the list of licenses under the field of “Licenses. These licenses are the existing list of licenses available in the ROHUB portal
  • Keywords: The user can add keywords to a resource

On clicking “Create” the resource is added to the RO. The figure below depicts the upload of a resource using a local file.

Figure 3: Creating new internal resource in ROHub

Create new resource from external source

On clicking the third of the three icons a window pops up to “Create new resource”. The user can upload a resource from some external source. The various fields of this window are as follows:

  • External URL: The user is required to provide the URL of an external resource that needs to be added to the RO.
  • Title: The title field is optional and here the user can provide a name to the resource that’s to be added to the RO.
  • Description: Description field is also optional and the user can add a short description of the resource from this field.
  • Resource type: The user must select a resource type from the list of the existing types from the list that drops down once the user clicks or starts to type in the box beneath the resource type.
  • Licenses: The user can optionally select a license from the list of licenses under the field of “Licenses. These licenses are the existing list of licenses available in the ROHUB portal
  • Keywords: The user can add keywords to a resource

On clicking “Create” the resource is added to the RO. The figure below depicts the upload of an external resource to a RO.

Figure 4: Creating new external resource in ROHub

Adding datacubes

The user can click the fourth icon nad a window pops up to “Create new resource”. The user can create a datacubeas a resource. The various fields of this window are as follows:

  • Data Cube collection: The user can select from the list of exisiting datacubes in ROhub portal and add it as a resources to a RO
  • Data Cube product: The name of the datacube product can be added
  • Licenses: The user can optionally select a license from the reccomended default licenses under the field of “Licenses.
  • Keywords: The user can add keywords to a datacube

Figure 5: Adding datacubes as a resource

Modifying uploaded Resources

The user can modify or edit any of the resources added to the RO. The resource edit, move and delete functionalities are activated when the user selects any resource from the homepage or within a folder. In case of internally uploaded resources the users can also download it upon selection.

Editing a resource

Editing a folder

The user has to navigate to the folder and select it from the list by checking the checkbox. Upon clicking the edit option a new window called “Edit folder” appears. It has the following fields:

  • Title: Here in this field the name of the folder is already visible, the user can rename it.
  • Description: The user can change the description or add if not available.
  • Keywords: The generation or adding/editing a keyword to a folder. Once done the user can click “Edit” to update the folder. The following figure depicts the edit functionality of a RO folder.

Figure 6: Editing a folder

Editing an internal resource

The user has to navigate to the specific resource that is to be edited and select it from the list by checking the checkbox. Upon clicking the edit option a new window called “Edit resource” appears. It has the following fields:

  • Selected file: This field is unchangeable as it shows the name of the selected file.
  • Title: This field shows the resource title and its unchangeable.
  • Description: The description field is editable and the user can add a description to the resource or update if already there is a description for the resource.
  • Resource type: The user can change the already existing resource type from the list of the resource types that will appear once the user clicks on the box beneath resource type.
  • Licenses: The user can also optionally edit the type of the licenses attached with the resource.
  • DOI: The DOI section unfolds on clicking the down arrow alongside. In this section the user can select the following options:
    • Not applicable DOI: The user selects this and declares that the resource is not having any DOI.
    • Add existing DOI: The user selects this and adds an existing DOI of the resource (if any) in the field called “Current DOI”.
    • Generate DOI: The user can generate a random DOI for the resource on selecting this option.
  • Keywords: The generation or adding/editing a keyword to a resource.

Once done the user can click “Edit” to update the selected resource. The following figure depicts the edit functionality of an internal resource.

Figure 7: Editing an internal resource

Editing an external resource

The user has to navigate to the specific resource that is to be edited and select it from the list by checking the checkbox. Upon clicking the edit option a new window called “Edit resource” appears. It has the following fields:

  • External URL: This field allows the user to edit the URL of the external resource. The field initially shows the URL of the current resource.
  • Title: This field shows the resource title and the user can edit it.
  • Description: The description field is editable and the user can add a description to the resource or update if already there is a description for the resource.
  • Resource type: The user can change the already existing resource type from the list of the resource types that will appear once the user clicks on the box beneath resource type.
  • Licenses: The user can also optionally edit the type of the licenses attached with the resource.
  • DOI: The DOI section unfolds on clicking the down arrow alongside. In this section the user can select the following options:
    • Not applicable DOI: The user selects this and declares that the resource is not having any DOI.
    • Add existing DOI: The user selects this and adds an existing DOI of the resource (if any) in the field called “Current DOI”.
    • Generate DOI: The user can generate a random DOI for the resource on selecting this option.
  • Keywords: The generation or adding/editing a keyword to a resource.

Once done the user can click “Edit” to update the selected resource. The following figure depicts the edit functionality of an external resource.

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Figure 8: Editing an external resource

Moving a resource

The user can move a resource from one folder to another within the resource homepage. The user has to select a resource from the list and then click the move icon, a window pops up displaying either “Move” (for moving a folder) or “Move Resource” (for moving a resource) from where the user can specify the parent folder. Once the user clicks on the field beneath “Parent folder”, a list of all the existing folders drops down. From the list the user can specify the folder where he wants to move the resource. Clicking “Move” ends the action and moves the resource from one folder to another.

Figure 9: Moving a folder in ROHub portal

Deleting a resource

Deleting a resource is also easy. Selecting a resource and clicking the delete icon from the content page pops up the “Delete folder” or “Delete resource” window. By clicking the “Delete” button the resource could be deleted by the user. The figures below depicts the deletion of resources in ROHub portal.

Figure 10: Deleting a resource

Adding annotation to a resource

Once a resource is created the annotation of the resource is also created automatically in the resource segment. After selecting the resource the user can also see the added annotation associated with the resource by clicking the “Show All Annotations”. An advanced user can also create additional annotations to a resource by providing the semantic property and value in the boxes saying “Type property..” and “Type value..”. The property should be a fully qualified name (URL), otherwise the ROHub namespace will be prepended, whereas the value can be of any type (e.g. URL, text, numeric). Thereafter clicking “Add” will add the annotation with the selected resource and will be visible in the annotation list. On clicking any of the annotations from the list the user can see the annotation metadata like the annotation id, subject, property and value.

Figure 11: Adding an annotation to a resource