People & organizations

Table of contents

  1. Add existing user from list
  2. Add existing organizations from list
  3. Add new user
  4. Add new organization

This segment of the wizard allows the user to provide information about the people and organization associated with the research object. The functionalities can be discussed as below:

Add existing user from list

In order to add an existing user to the RO, i user needs to select the option “Add existing user from list” and on clicking or simply starting to type in the search box reading “Start typing to find user”. The list of the existing users drops down and a user can be selected from the list. Once an user is selected another box appears alongside on the right side where the role of the selected user can be designated. The list of the roles (e.g. Author, Contributor, publisher or Copyright holder) drops down in a list once the user clicks on the second box. Multiple roles can be assigned for a single user. The same step can be repeated in order to add another user and to assign roles. The added user and the role can be removed on clicking the “x” alongside the name of the user. Removing one user also removes the corresponding role/s.

Add existing organizations from list

The process of adding an existing organization to a RO is similar to adding an existing member. The user has to select the “Add existing organization from list” option. From the search box the drop down list containing all the existing organization the user can select any one of them and assign a role (e.g. Publisher, Copyright Holder) to the selected organization. The same step can be repeated in order to add another organization and to assign roles to it. The added organization and the role can be removed on clicking the “x” alongside the name of the user. Removing one organization also removes its role/s.

Figure 1: Add People and Organization in RO creation

Add new user

If the RO creator wants to add a person not present in the existing list of the ROHub users, he can create a new user. In order to create a new user one has to select the “Add new user” option. A new form appears where the creator can provide the credentials of the new user. The fields are:

  • “Display name” the name of the user that will be displayed in the ROHub platform. This information is compulsory.
  • “ORCID” if available for the new user. ORCID is the profile of the user on
  • “Email” id of the new user is also a compulsory information to be provided. If there is no email id, alternatively ORCID has to be provided.
  • “Affiliation” of the user or the name of the organization to which he is affiliated. On providing the above information and clicking the blue icon of “Add new user” the new user is added in the ROHub portal. Hereafter the new user can be found in the list of the existing users from there the RO creator can add and assign roles for the user.

Figure 2: Add new User in RO creation

Add new organization

If the RO creator wants to add an organization that is not present in the existing list of the ROHub organizations, he can create a new organization by selecting the “Add new organization” option. A new form appears where the creator can provide the information of the new organization. The fields are:

  • “Display name” the name of the organization that will be displayed in the ROHub platform. This information is compulsory.
  • “RORID” or the profile of the organization if available on Research Organization Registry Community (
  • “Email” id of the new organization is also a compulsory information to be provided. If there is no email id, alternatively RORID has to be provided.
  • “URL” of the organization website can also be provided. On providing the above information and clicking the blue icon of “Add new organization” the new organization is added in the ROHub portal. Hereafter the new organization can be found in the list of the existing organizations from there the RO creator can add and assign roles for the organization.

Figure 3: Add new Organization in RO creation

The user can continue creating/editing the metadata of the RO in the next form by clicking “Update and continue”, or “Skip” to skip this part and move to the next segment or “Back” to move to the previous segment of the RO editing.