Integration with B2Drop

The ROHub supports RO storage in B2Drop EOSC service. The user can select the default storage type from their account settings as depicted below. When selecting B2Drop, the usersneed to provide their B2Drop credentials also via the account settings. These credentials can be obtained from the B2Drop Web portal navigating to the security section from the user settings (“create new app password”)

Figure 1: Selection of storage type from ROHub user account settings in ROHub portal

Figure 2: B2Drop user settings

When B2Drop is selected as the default storage, ROHub creates the root folder “Rohub/ros” in the user’s B2Drop space.Then,for each newly created RO by the user, which aggregates physical resources, a folder with the RO id is createdinside that root folder, as depicted in Figure 7-10below. When using B2Drop, the users need to take into account thespace available in their own B2Drop account. The Research Objects’ internal resources will use this space, and If his/her B2Drop account has no more space available, then the user will not be able to aggregate physical resources in his/her Research Objects. One additional feature, currently under testing, is the synchronization of the RO folder in B2Drop with ROHub, i.e., resources added into the RO folder in B2Drop via any interface (e.g., B2Drop Web portal) will be automatically aggregated in the RO.

Figure 3: B2Drop folder structure created by ROHub