RELIANCE project


Helping to realize the vision of FAIR research in EOSC

View the Project on GitHub RELIANCE-EOSC/reliance-ro-crate

RELIANCE RO-crate profile

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RELIANCE RO-Crates are a specialization of RO-Crate for packaging data cubes enabling access earth observation data, along with all the necessary and other related artifacts like documentation, images, related infrastructures, etc.

RELIANCE project uses RELIANCE RO-Crates as an exchange format to package data cubes in Earth Science.


This section uses terminology from the RO-Crate 1.1 specification.


The Crate JSON-LD MUST be valid according to RO-Crate 1.1 and SHOULD use the RO-Crate 1.1 @context

Metadata File Descriptor

The Metadata File Descriptor conformsTo SHOULD be an array that contains at least

RELIANCE RO-Crate Description

A RELIANCE RO-Crate MAY include at least one Data Cube Data Entity, which MUST have the following properties:

DataCube Data Description

A DataCube Data Entity MAY include the following properties:

A DataCube Data Entity MUST include the following properties:

A DataCube Entity MAY include the following property:

A DataCube Data Entity SHOULD include the properties:

A DataCube Data Entity MAY include the properties:

Software Description

In what relates to the software description, the following will be included as a Data Entity. A RELIANCE RO-Crate MAY include one or more Software Data Entities, which MUST have the following properties:

A Software Data Entity SHOULD include the following properties (besides the Data Cube Entity properties):

A Software Data Entity MAY include the following properties:

Versioning Research Objects Description

A RELIANCE RO-Crate MAY include the following properties (from the RO-Evo ontology):

Other properties from the RO-Evo ontology MAY be also included, following that ontology.

ro-crate-metadata.json Example

This is a minimal example of a Reliance DataCube RO-Crate.

  "@context": "",
  "@graph": [
      "@id": "ro-crate-metadata.json",
      "@type": "CreativeWork",
      "about": {
        "@id": "./"
      "conformsTo": [
        { "@id": ""},
        { "@id": ""}
      "@id": "ro-crate-preview.html",
      "@type": "CreativeWork",
      "about": {
        "@id": "./"
      "@id": "./",
      "@type": "Dataset",
      "name": "Example Workflow",
      "description": "An example workflow RO-Crate",
      "license": "Apache-2.0",
      "mainEntity": {
        "@id": "example_workflow.cwl"
      "hasPart": [
          "@id": "example_workflow.cwl"
          "@id": "diagram.svg"
          "@id": ""
      "@id": "example_workflow.cwl",
      "@type": [
      "programmingLanguage": {
        "@id": ""
      "name": "Example Workflow",
      "image": {
        "@id": "diagram.svg"
      "@id": "diagram.svg",
      "name": "Example Workflow Diagram",
      "@type": [
      "@id": "",
      "@type": "File",
      "about": "./",
      "encodingFormat": "text/markdown"
      "@id": "",
      "@type": "ComputerLanguage",
      "name": "Common Workflow Language",
      "alternateName": "CWL",
      "identifier": "",
      "url": ""