fixed few missing cases where there was no explicit prompt about token being no longer valid
improved user communication for jobs that library was not able to confirm given the amount of retries and sleep time
docstrings reformatted to rst in order to generate documentation
documentation reference added to the general README
ros_evolution is now communicating warning and details about them i.e. lack of zenodo token in the user profile
bug fix for functions returning Pandas DataFrame in case there were 0 results, now the dataframe appears empty instead of throwing error
- renamed functions
ros_list_funding ->
list_funding ->
ros_set_funding (rohub) ->
set_funding (ResearchObject module) ->
- added functions
create_doi and publication_services arguments removed from ros_fork
admin module introduced
some atttributes constraints removed from ResearchObject and Resource, instead validation happen only when creating new object/updating
user_id/organization_id arguments removed from respectively: external_user_add, organization_add
changes to the structure of agents argument for ros_set_authors, ros_set_contributors, ros_set_publishers, ros_set_copyright_holders
ros_list_fundings is now returning a Pandas DataFrame
fix to reliability of loading .env file for dev environment (it can now be loaded independent of path where script is executed)
change to the authentication validation
user is no longer forced to login again after 15 minutes, login has to be re-used only when there is no activity for 30 mins