v1.1.0 ======= - docstrings were updated with information about preserving order for agents - :func:`rohub.resource_download` now supports redirection; a specific type of resource can be redirected as EGI notebook url - the docstrings attached to the following functions were updated with template of how the data should be provided for non-existing agents: :func:`rohub.ros_set_authors`, :func:`rohub.ros_set_contributors`, :func:`rohub.ros_set_copyright_holders`, :func:`rohub.ros_set_publishers`, :func:`ResearchObject.set_copyright_holders`, :func:`ResearchObject.set_publishers`, :func:`ResearchObject.set_authors`, :func:`ResearchObject.ros_set_contributors` - renaming the possible format in :func:`rohub.ros_export_to_create` from json-ld to jsonld for convenience purposes - shared_link is now accessible as an attribute of the Resource object - clarified doctsring in :func:`rohub.ros_add_annotations` - direct hyperlink to the package site and to the LICENSE file fixed in README - fixed typo in :func:`rohub.resource_delete_license` - bugfix to optional parameter object_class not being accepted in :func:`rohub.ros_add_triple` - results for :func:`rohub.ros_find` extended with new metadata - bugfix in :func:`rohub.resource_update_metadata` it will no longer send a faulty request when resource type was set to empty string - body_specification_json is from now required when using :func:`rohub.ros_add_geolocation` and :func:`ResarchObject.ros_add_geolocation` - :func:`rohub.update_custom_license` moved to the admin module due to the change of permissions - added functions: * :func:`rohub.resource_find` * :func:`rohub.resource_list_keywords` * :func:`rohub.resource_add_keywords` * :func:`rohub.resource_set_keywords` * :func:`rohub.resource_delete_keywords` * :func:`Resource.list_keywords` * :func:`Resource.add_keywords` * :func:`Resource.set_keywords` * :func:`Resource.delete_keywords` * :func:`rohub.ros_aggregate_datacube` * :func:`ResarchObject.aggregate_datacube` * :func:`rohub.list_communities` * :func:`rohub.create_community` * :func:`admin.delete_community` * :func:`admin.update_community` * :func:`rohub.ros_list_communities` * :func:`rohub.ros_add_community` * :func:`rohub.ros_set_community` * :func:`rohub.ros_delete_communities` * :func:`ResearchObject.list_communities` * :func:`ResarchObject.add_community` * :func:`ResarchObject.set_community` * :func:`ResarchObject.delete_communities` * :func:`rohub.ros_list_main_entity` * :func:`rohub.ros_add_main_entity` * :func:`rohub.ros_delete_main_entity` * :func:`ResarchObject.add_main_entity` * :func:`ResarchObject.delete_main_entity` * :func:`admin.delete_custom_license` * :func:`rohub.ros_list_sketch` * :func:`rohub.ros_add_sketch` * :func:`ResarchObject.list_sketch` * :func:`ResarchObject.add_sketch` - bugfix in :func:`ResarchObject.list_triples`; now the annotations will be automatically reloaded from the API to align python object with current API status, otherwise some new annotations could not appear untill the object was reloaded